
Alapveto Jogok Biztosáról-2011-CXI törv

hu-545_2013 Improprieties Revisited The Ombudsmans Repeated Investigation in Special Childrens Homes

hu-726_2013 The Ombudsmans Petition to the CC concerning the double benefits of pensioners working in the public sector

hu-2012-12-17 – Assembly on Open Private Property

hu-2084_2013 Inmates on three-bunk beds

hu-2986 (2012) Mediation in Child Protection

hu-7085 2012 Az azeri elítélt átadásáról (1)

hu-7085 2012 Az azeri elítélt átadásáról

hu-7524 2012 A dorogi légszennyezettség mérése közlemény

‚ incident in the secondary school of Balatonalmádi

hu-AB indítvány Poltört Intézet levéltár 2012 december

hu-Az ombudsman a fogyatékossággal élo hallgatók jogérvényesítéséért-eng_2013.01.11

hu-CFR-Summary of draft legislation on complaints and announcements of general interest

hu-Child Friendly Prison Concept in the Penitentiary Institution of Heves County_2012.11.27

Hu-Equal Opportunities Regulation of the Office- 2012 03 13

hu-flashreport-GoodPracticeForTolerance-NOTE-Hate speech workshop-April 2013-OCFR Hungary

hu-flashreport-NOTE-Hate speech workshop-April 2013-OCFR Hungary

hu-Gyerekek és egészséges környezet konf 2013 június 27

hu-Introduction of Mr Peterfalvi-June 2013

hu-Korczak Ceremony-fotóval 2012 dec 10

Hu-MTI- Constitutional Court petition on the Transitional Provisions -03 13

hu-MTI-Air pollution in the Western-border region of Hungary-24.10.2012

’s home juvenile correctional centre or prison-doc

’s rights project 2013-21.Nov.2012

hu-MTI-comprehensive report of the Ombudsman on community employment-07.01.2013

hu-MTI-Constituional Court Petition-Act on the termination of early retirement pension-17.10.2012

hu-MTI-Contact between detainees and their lawyers-18.09.2012 – Kopie

hu-MTI-Contact between detainees and their lawyers-18.09.2012

hu-MTI-Election of Mr.Marcel Szabó Marcel EN-10.2012

hu-MTI-Equal treatment of different family forms-05.06.2012

hu-MTI-Felling of the trees at Kossuth Square in front of the Parliament-30.05.2011

hu-MTI-International Day of Eradiction of Poverty-Ombudsman on the withdrawal of support for alternative employment-18.10.2012

Hu-MTI-két demonstráció összefoglalója03.12.2012.EN

hu-MTI-Mandatory Employment of Detainees-30.05.2012

hu-MTI-Missing children -2012 05 24

Hu-MTI-No legal aid in the case of constitutional complaints

hu-MTI-Ombudsman on the circumstances in two prisons-10.08.2012

hu-MTI-Ombudsman petition to the Constitutional Court on the Act on Churches.13.08.2012

hu-MTI-Ombudsman turn to the Comsitutional Court concerning the Act on Nationalities

hu-MTI-Ombudsman urges possibility of legal remedy-03.09.2012

hu-MTI-On the Act on Public Education and Vocational Training-05.08.2012

hu-MTI-On the employment opportunities of young people-03.09.2012

hu-MTI-On the fundamental rights training-19.09.2012

hu-MTI-On the managment of the deposits in the care of lawyers-25.09.2012

hu-MTI-On the new text of the oath of lawyers-02.05.2012

hu-MTI-On the processing of the nationality related data of the population census-2012.04.20

hu-MTI-Police occupation of Csókako-10.2012.

hu-MTI-Regulation of the appointment of defence lawyers in need of reform-18.09.2012

hu-MTI-Resignation of Dr.Sándor Fülöp-Deputy Commissioner-29.08.2012

hu-MTI-Student contracts – new petition to the CC-03.09.2012

hu-MTI-The CFR upholds the petition challenging the Transitory Provisions of the Basic Law-27.09.2012

’s exclusive power-27.09.2012

hu-MTI-The Ombudsman advocates clear regulation of waste management-13.102012

hu-MTI-The Ombudsman on community employment-03.10.2012.

’s care-15.10.2012

hu-MTI-The Ombudsman on services providing legal aid-19.09.2012

hu-MTI-The Ombudsman on the liability insurance of lawyers.19.09.2012

’s rights in the course of police measure

hu-MTI-The Ombudsman on the right to defence of persons in pre-trial detention-2012.04.24

hu-MTI-The Ombudsman on the strict liability of lawyers-19.09.2012

’s home_2012.11.16

hu-MTI-There is worse than prison13.09.2012

hu-MTI-Unlawful handcuffing-03.09.2012

hu-Note-Workshop-Decent Start Job Opportunities for the Youth-21 06 2013

hu-Ombudsman ranking first 2012 11 23

hu-Petition to Const Court-children staying away from school

hu-Press release for Introducing the Activity Report of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Civil Rights in 2011

hu-Press release on the Presentation of the Acitivity Report 2012

hu-Press release- Petition to the Constitutional Court concerning the supply of insulin to diabetic patients-06.07.2012

hu-Press release-Forty out of one hundred are well grounded The Ombudsman on handling public interest disclosures

hu-Press release-Ombudsman Award

hu-Press release-There is a risk of electoral abuse at the nationality self-goverment election-Aug 2013

hu-Regulaton of student contracts

Hu-SG GODIAC és a magyar rendorség EN rev 2012 02 06

hu-Students with Disabilities – Response of the State Secretary in charge of higher education

hu-Summary-Diginity of Labour Project-dec.2012

‚ Rights


JN ombudsman-helyettes munkaterve EN rev 2012 02 03 (2)

magyar ismerteto

MTI-Fóti gyermekotthon-2012.04.27

MTI-New hu-Born Babies should be allowed to stay with their convicted mother-12.07.2012

MTI-The Ombudsman on legal barriers to the employemnet of persons with disabilities

NEKI ombudsman-helyettes munkaterve EN 2012 02 08


SG GODIAC és a magyar rendorség EN rev 2012 02 06

Tájékoztató a panasz-benyújtásról

The ombuds on social reintegration of prisoners AJB 2987 2012

The Security control of passengers and airport workers1-Hungary

Variably ambivalent conditions in penitentiary institutions